
XX/XY - A Compilation de Pensamientos

 Picture by Chiqui @ Mont Saint Michel - 18.04.2010

 "¿Sabes qué?" - dijo él. "No; no sé...cuéntame" - fue su pícara respuesta... "Eres sencillamente una especie digna de investigación"
Y entonces ella le susurró: "Amo la arena...¿no lo ves en mis alas?"

I can feel the magic simplicity, that one from those who live in two worlds of their own in the world of the others. That kind of magic that can only be identified by oblivion.

La magia de escribir.
Yo me inventaré mi propio final...cuando lo crea conveniente.

Veo a un señor que juraría era una mujer cuando se sentó frente a mí. Las personas mutan.

Kisses have no expiring date...but they do have a bar code. They are unique and each one of them contains information of the place where it was received, the deliverer and even the color of the sky in the exact moment it was felt.
Things do not mutate.

I just want to be next to you...at a heartbeat distance...for hours, and hours, and hours...and hours.....
Aunque no soy quién tú quieres que sea...soy yo quien te gusta a ti. y punto.

In the stomach of Paris there is some salmon...among others.

"Life is not short....life is very very long, the thing is that we'll spend it a long time as dead"


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